[Handout] Scientists and Policy: What to do now that the march is over

This post is an accompanying handout version of a presentation I gave at the Boston University Graduate Program for Neuroscience (BU GPN) retreat in 2017. This was in the wake of the country’s March for Science, which happened largely in response to the 2016 election. My brother worked at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) at the time and coached me on the pivotal points that he typically highlighted to scientists as an Outreach Specialist. I collaborated with my friend (a GPN graduate now post-doc’ing in California) Terri Scott. Check it out!

[The cover photo of this post is of the 2nd book in the graphic novel series MARCH, which is narrative non-fiction about the life and times of Rep. John Lewis, who passed a few weeks ago. My really amazing brother bought me the entire series of books for my birthdays over a few years.]

Jasmine Kwasa